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2020 Women's Pride in the Pines event cancelled due to COVID

Dear Supporters of Women’s Pride in the Pines –

It is with great sadness that we have to cancel the 10th Anniversary Women’s Pride in the Pines this August. We are looking forward to celebrating with you in 2021.

We have some plans in place to continue to support our beneficiary Callen-Lorde in these horrible times, and more info on that will follow. To learn more about how this life-saving organization has responded to the pandemic, you can read this profile in this past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine.
If you have already purchased a ticket or sponsorship, we encourage you to consider converting that to a donation in support this important charity. If you would like to request a refund, please contact me at
Until we are able to celebrate together again, please stay safe during these difficult times.
Linda Gottlieb
LGBTQ Focus Foundation

LGBTQ Focus Foundation
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